Privacy policy

Release date: April 28, 2023

Effective date: April 28, 2023


HOTSALES GLOBAL TRADE LLC (" We ") takes your privacy very seriously and will do our utmost to protect it. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. Through this Privacy Policy, we hope to explain to you how we collect, use, store and share this information when using our services.

This Privacy Policy is closely related to BrightOver app Services you use. Before using BrightOver app products or services, please be sure to read and understand this Policy carefully, especially the contents marked in bold and underlined. Use the relevant products or services after confirming full understanding and consent. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us through our published contact information ( If you do not agree with this privacy policy, please stop using our products.

How do we collect and use your information

In accordance with the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity, we will collect the information provided by you proactively or generated because of your use of the Services in the following ways to provide you with services, optimize our services and protect your account security. If we use your personal information beyond the scope that is directly or reasonably related to the purpose for which personal information is collected, we will notify you again and obtain your express consent before using your personal information.

1. Personal Account Registration: When you sign up to use BrightOver app personal account, we need you to provide some information:

When you choose to register a personal account, you will need to enter your email address and nickname, which will be used to create a personal account for you.

2. Connection Service: When you use BrightOver app to connect the smart device provided by our company or any other Bluetooth mask device, we will collect your IP address and Bluetooth address. We will use this data to enable you to connect to our server. To help you understand and diagnose your connection status to the Service, we will collect your wireless network, Internet connection status, and whether you are authorized to connect to the Service and its network.

3. Troubleshooting and security: In order to ensure your normal use of our services and maintain the stable operation of our services, we will collect the following information:

3.1 Device information: Device model, operating system version, device setting, IMEI, MAC address, AndroidID;

3.2 Information related to the location of the device: IP address, GPS information and Wi-Fi access points that can provide relevant information;

3.3 Operation and Maintenance Information: traffic statistics, operation logs, user feedback, audio and video quality data, App crash information records.

4. Safety monitoring

To improve the security of your use of BrightOver app, protect you or other users or the public from personal and property safety, better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusion and other security risks, and more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations, When you use BrightOver app, we collect your IP address, device unique identifier, hardware model and Settings, operating system, and application features (such as MAC address).

The purpose of collecting your information is to provide you with services and improve the quality of services. To achieve this purpose, we may use your information for the following purposes:

(1) Provide high-quality BrightOver app services to you and maintain, improve and optimize these services and service experience;

(2) When we provide services, it is used for identity verification, customer service, security and other purposes to ensure the security of our products and services to you;

(3) Send system notice and early warning to you in time;

(4) Other uses approved by you.

Step 7 Advertise

BrightOver app will not provide targeted ads or precision marketing to users, nor will it gather information about users to deliver personalized ads, only general ads on launch pages or specific pages.


BrightOver app Personal information collected and application permission information can be found in:

Annex I: Personal Information Collection List

Appendix 2: Application Permission Application and Application Scenarios


7. Cookies and similar technologies

To facilitate your access experience, when you use BrightOver app, we may collect and store BrightOver app related data so that we can identify you when you use or re-use Brightover App. This includes the use of small data files to identify you, to understand your usage habits, to save you from having to re-enter account information, or to help determine the security of your account. These data files may be cookies, Flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated application (collectively, "Cookies").

Please understand that some of our services are only available through the use of cookies. If permitted by your browser or browser add-on service, you may modify your acceptance of Cookies or reject BrightOver app cookies, but rejecting our cookies may prevent you from using some features that depend on Cookies in certain circumstances.

8. Third-party SDK

In order to provide you with more professional and secure functions and services, for technical needs, our platform has embedded a third-party software development kit.

9. When you encounter problems with our client, you can take the initiative to give us feedback. In order to solve your feedback, we will collect your detailed usage of our service and analyze it as the log of relevant client operation.

10. According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your relevant personal information without seeking your authorization under the following circumstances:

(1) Relevant to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;

(2) Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

(3) those directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;

(4) those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

(5) To protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to get the authorization of the consent;

(6) The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(7) necessary to sign and perform the contract as required by you;

(8) Collecting personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(9) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as finding and handling faults of the products or services;

(10) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.



How do we share and publicly disclose your information

(1) Sharing

1. Share with authorized partners

Some of BrightOver app's services may be provided by our partners, and we may purchase services from third party service providers such as social platform service providers, data analytics providers, intelligent voice services, etc. We abide by laws and regulations and place strict limits on the sharing of information. We only share your information with the third party partners mentioned above where necessary to enable them to serve us. We only disclose to our partners information necessary to provide the service. The selected partner has no right to use the shared user information for any other purpose.

If we share your information with the above third parties, we will adopt encryption, anonymous processing and other means to ensure the security of your information. We will ensure that third parties using your information comply with this Privacy Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we require them to comply with.

2. We may share your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or mandatory requirements of competent government departments.

BrightOver app does not share information with third parties.

(2) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

1. After obtaining your express consent;

2. Disclosure based on law: We may publicly disclose your personal information when required by law, legal procedure, lawsuit or government authority.

(3) The change of the subject

In the case of acquisition, merger, reorganization, division and other changes, we ensure that the new manager will continue to perform the original responsibilities and obligations. When the new manager changes the purpose of using personal information, we will obtain your express consent again.

3. Information storage and protection

(1) Storage of information

1. Storage period of information

We retain your information only for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, for the period required, and for the time limit required by laws and regulations. Unless the retention period needs to be extended or permitted by law. After you terminate your use of the Platform or close the relevant authorization, we will delete your information, unless the retention period of specific information is otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

2. Information storage area

We will store users' personal information on the Amazon server in accordance with laws and regulations.

3. Measures taken when products and services cease operation

When we stop the operation of our products and services, we will promptly stop the activities of collecting your personal information, inform you of the notice of stopping the operation in the form of push notification or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information.

(2) Information protection

1. We will take various preventive measures and encryption technologies to protect your information from loss, embezzlement and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction of your information. Our information protection measures include:

(1) In terms of technical architecture, the protection means we use include but are not limited to: SSL encryption, gateway traffic limiting and TOKEN request authentication, security group rule check, and malicious code detection. The security of user information transmission and storage links is ensured through network transmission security, data integrity verification, and intrusion detection alarms.

(2) In terms of security system, we have made corresponding investment and deployment in security physical environment, security communication network, security area boundary, security computing environment, security management center, security management system, security management organization, security management personnel, security construction management, security operation and maintenance management.

2. Please note that there is no absolutely perfect security measure on the Internet. Please pay full attention to the protection of personal information when using products and services, and we will do our best to ensure the security of your information.

3. In case of incidents that endanger network security, we will take corresponding remedial measures in time according to the emergency plan of network security incidents. If any of our physical facilities or technical protection measures are damaged, resulting in your personal information being leaked, illegally provided or abused, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding responsibilities in strict accordance with the law.

4. Security incident handling measures: In case of personal information leakage, damage, loss, etc., we will launch an emergency plan and inform you in time according to the requirements of laws and regulations: We will promptly notify affected users of the basic information and possible impact of a security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with it, and the suggestions you can take to prevent and reduce risks. If it is difficult to inform individual information subjects one by one, we will make announcements in a reasonable and effective manner.



Your rights

In accordance with relevant local laws, regulations and standards, as well as the common practices of other countries and regions, we guarantee that you can exercise the following rights with your personal information:

1. Access your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except for the exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you want to access basic information such as email, profile picture, name, personal description, and account rights and interests, you can log in on the mobile phone and click Personal Center

2. Correct your personal information

You can log in on the mobile terminal, click "Mine" and then click your name to access your personal information. You can modify your profile picture, nickname, and personal profile here. You can click the three dots icon in the upper right corner and then click the account to change the password.

You can also contact us by email at any time and we will respond to your request for correction within 15 working days.

3. Delete personal information

(1) Click "Mine", then click the three dots icon in the upper right corner to enter the account page, find the account cancellation, here you can delete personal account.

(2) You can also contact us at any time through the customer service hotline, and we will reply your deletion request within 15 working days.

(3) You may request us to delete your personal information under the following circumstances:

1) If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

2) If we collect or use your personal information without your express consent;

3) If our handling of personal information seriously violates the agreement with you;

4) If you no longer use our products or services, or you actively cancel your account;

5) If we permanently cease to provide you with products or services.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the subject that has obtained your personal information from us at the same time, as far as possible, and request that it be deleted in a timely manner (unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, or if such subject has independently obtained your authorization).

4. Log out of the account

We provide the function of cancelling registered accounts. Click "Mine" and then click the three dots icon in the upper right corner to enter the account page and find the account cancelling. Personal accounts can be deleted here, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

5. Withdraw consent

(1) You can withdraw the authorization consent of the system permission by following the steps:

1) iOS system: Settings - Select BrightOver app and disable related authorization;

2) Android system: Settings - Privacy - Rights Management - Application - select BrightOver app, disable related authorization; Or Set - Application - Rights Management - Select permission to disable the BrightOver app license.

(2) You can choose to refuse to receive the notification pushed by us according to the following steps:

1) iOS system: Settings - Select BrightOver app to disable notification permission;

2) Android system: Settings - Notification - app Settings - Disable BrightOver app Notification Permission; Or set - Notification & Control Center - Notification Management - Turn off BrightOver app Notification Permission.

Please note that when you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process your personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously conducted based on your authorization. If you want to withdraw all personal information, you can cancel the account.

6. The subject of personal information obtains a copy of personal information

If you need a copy of your personal information, you can contact us through the methods provided at the end of this Privacy Policy. After verifying your identity, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information (including basic information and account information) in our services, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or agreed upon in this Policy.



Protection of children's personal information

BrightOver app does not cater to children under the age of 14. Do not use BrightOver app if you are under 14 years old.

If you are the guardian of a child and you have any questions about the personal information of the child under your custody, please contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy.

Vi. Relevant explanations of specific regulations

If you live in the EU, the UK, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland, you may have a number of legal rights in relation to personal data, including those set out in the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In accordance with the GDPR, we process your personal data: (i) with your consent (where applicable), (ii) to fulfill contracts with customers, and (iii) for other legitimate interests.

Vii. Changes

When the content stated in the Privacy Policy is changed, we will promptly revise the Privacy Policy accordingly and inform you of the changed Privacy Policy in an appropriate way. Such revisions form part of this Privacy Policy. If you continue to use our Services, you agree that we will process your personal information in accordance with the revised Privacy Policy.

Eight, contact us

If you have complaints or reports about online information security, or if you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy or matters related to your personal information, please contact the BrightOver app team in the following ways. We will reply within 15 days after verifying your identity or within the time limit stipulated by laws and regulations.




The phone number is +86-755-2690-5050

Responsible person: Roger

For your reasonable request, we do not charge fees in principle, but for repeated, beyond the reasonable limit of the request, we will charge a certain fee. We may refuse requests for information that is not directly relevant to your identity, that is unnecessarily repetitive, that requires too much technology (for example, the development of new systems or fundamental changes to existing practices), that poses a risk to the legal rights of others, or that is impractical.

Ix. Others

The headings in this Privacy policy are for convenience only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions in this Privacy Policy.

Annex I: Personal Information Collection List

Business scenario

Purpose of collection

Treatment mode

Information type

Register an account

Used for account creation and network identity identification

User input


Troubleshooting and security

You can locate faults to improve product security experience

APP collection

Device model, system version, network type, IMEI, MAC address, AndroidID, device ID, device unique identifier, hardware information, wireless network, log log collection, APP crash information recording

User feedback

Receive user feedback and log information

User input

Text, picture, log collection

Read album

Used to import pictures from a user's own album and create works

User input

Text, photo album

Read music list

It is used to play music on the user's mobile phone

User input

Music songs, media database

Camera photograph

For users to take photos and import pictures, and create works

User input


Microphone recording

The user uses a microphone to record speech and generate a pulsating picture

User input


Connect Bluetooth smart devices

APP search connects Bluetooth device

APP collection

Device model, system version, Bluetooth permission, Bluetooth device version, Bluetooth address


Determine the operating status of the system and automatically optimize the program according to the status

APP collection

System running status, memory usage, and current running process information

Listening notification

Smart Bluetooth devices can display notifications from apps on the phone, so that customers can directly view information on smart devices even if they are not using the phone, and will not miss important information

APP collection


APP notification information

Face data

Take pictures

No App collection

The face taken by the App is only used to display on our device-mask, which is not uploaded to our server and saved by the user. The app only converts the picture into pixel lattice.


Appendix II: Permission application and application Scenarios

Application Permission Application Instructions (android)

Permission type

Permission description

Usage scenario or purpose


Allows an App to change, discover, and pair Bluetooth device permissions

This APP needs to search and connect to Bluetooth devices. Android12 below system use


Allows APP to search for Bluetooth

Android12 and above are used for searching Bluetooth


Allows APP to broadcast Bluetooth

Android12 and above are used to broadcast Bluetooth so that the current device can be detected by other Bluetooth devices


Allows APP to connect to Bluetooth

Android12 and above for Bluetooth connection


Allows App to write to external memory

This APP can save pixel pictures/animations created by users to mobile phone storage


Allows App to obtain accurate geographical location based on GPS etc

This permission is required for APP to search for smart Bluetooth devices.


Allows App to obtain accurate geographical location based on GPS etc

Like ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, also used for Bluetooth search


Allows obtaining network status

The APP needs to obtain the network status information of the mobile phone. If the network is not enabled, the user will be prompted to enable the network, so that the APP can be connected smoothly


Allows the App to keep the device awake

In the process of maintaining a long connection between the APP and the device, the device acts as the client and the mobile phone as the server, so the mobile phone needs to stay awake


Allows the App to use the microphone for recording

This app can generate visual rhythms according to the sound waveform and display them on the device and mobile phone.


Network access permission

Log in, register, and obtain network resources.


Allow apps to use the camera

Users can use the camera to take pictures and import them to create pixelated images


Use Bluetooth permission

You need to connect to a Bluetooth devic


Allows App to read external memory

It allows users to access photos from the phone's storage and import them as pixels



Application Permission Application (ios)

Permission type

Permission description

Usage scenario or purpose


Access album

This APP imports photo creation pixel map


Add content to the album

This APP can save pixel pictures/animations created by users to mobile phone storage


Obtain Bluetooth permission

This APP is a search, connected to Bluetooth device


Access microphone

This app can generate visual rhythms according to the sound waveform and display them on the device and mobile phone.


Access media database

This APP accesses the music list, plays the music and generates rhythm for transmission to the device


Access camera

Users can use the camera to take pictures and import them to create pixelated images

